hockey in bratislava, Christina Aguilera in Vienna, Vienna boys choir, opera!!! so much goodness! Many stories to be updated shortly... and many photos to accompany!
Nicolle and I were in Bratislava what i mentioned in passing that i had over heard in budapest that christina aguilera was playing in vienna soon... well after a few minutes of google. We decided to catch the first train to vienna the next day, get a hostel first and the get tickets, and then go shoping for the show!!! Ok... so we missed the train even after a lovely slovakian woman helped us butt the line! But that was the only flaw in our plan and we ended up purchasing the very last floor tickets to the concert!!! a few hours latter we were decked out in new clothes and having a wild time - her concert was like a musical with new costumes and singers and dancers ....! Nicolle has all of the pictures but Ill post some soon!
images - nicolle and i with our christina tickets! playing romeo and juliet at th eopera house with a very nice random man! More street food ! Nicolle and Maggie (from kingston) and i had to have one of these sausages infused with cheese!
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