Wednesday, December 06, 2006

as the sun passes to market square...

I arrived in the city at 5:45... to early to wander very far and too late to start s search for a place to stay. So I fallowed some poeple around for a little while (I figured if it was safe for them to be there, it was safe for me to be there - stop worrying mom and dad, it was fine) This led me to the main square where there were a few others with back packs that had obviously also come on a midnight express.

The square was defined by a variety of cafes and a church and an old astrological clock (or maybe thats astronomical ? ....) and is filled with christmas markets stalls with holy and mini lights and a life sized ginger bread house and petting zoo! (oh tourism...) The construction men came and carried away some steel ibeam, the woman moped the coffee shop and put out sugar and cream on the table, a taxi driver took a doughnut break and got icing sugar all over his car...

Fast forward a few hours and the market was completely packed with children dresses as devils, angels and bishops.... They were handing out candy and being merry! Now why you might ask, as I did, what was this strange celebration ??? Aparently it was the night that nicolas was comming (NOT to be confused with christmas, no one comes to visit at christmas... well jesus brings the presents...)

And so I guess on dec 5th a fusion of halloween and christmas are celebrated here in prague... I;ve never seen so many children with flashing devil horns! ...

what a day in the market!


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