Monday, December 04, 2006


last night as I typed about good times in berlin, lovely man asked me to help him type in English. He was from Brazil and we communicated in Spanish and it went very well. He was at the cafe with his friend Christian from Berlin and they were heading off to a birthday party and wanted to know if I would like to come. Now under normal circumstance I would have said no... but the party was at a club, I had friends in the city that new where I was going, and I was really interested in seeing what a Brazilian party consisted of... and so of course I went on the adventure!

We get to the club and they were on a private list... thats a good start, so there really is a party. We walk in and as my eyes adjust to the light I see these beautiful brazilian couple dancing and I mean dancing! It could have been a ballroom dance conpetition except there was more passion and involvement from the dancers and the 'audience'. I could have watched them all night and been content. But...

Of course it was after all a party and so when gasolina started to play I was on the dance floor in second! There was a little salsa beat and some songs I recognized from Costa Rica and so much dancing!

Then it was time for the birthday boys presents! (Now as an aside please let me describe this birthday boy... He was a petite portuguese man in his earlz thirties with the most beautiful long curly black hair, and when he danced he knew how to work his hair and his hips, Ive never seen anything like it... he was also flamboyantly gay... I hate to add that in, but it really helps you picture him) So the band returns to the stage and enter... pablo dressed in tiger skins and straw. He has prepared a dance for the birthday boy. It was about three minuted of coreographie and he was such a pretty dancer. MUCH better than my brazilian that I did in Halifax! and he kept all of his clothes on! (I lost a small piece of my top in a show once, only to expose myself slightly to a tine portion of the halifax community) He was a strong dancer full of grace. If that wasnt enough...

Then Five capoeiristas proceded to dress sown to their crisp white pants and belts to perform their best capoeira tricks! They were amazing, they must have been practicing since they were very small to have the felibility and strength they had in thier backs! And the band played on and we all sang!

And I was still in bed at a decent hour!

So have yourself a visit to an internet cafe today, you never know where it might take you!


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