Thursday, November 23, 2006

Bruges, Belgium.
a great little historic town, that doesn't have a whole lot going on was a really nice break from the cities. This place has more chocolate than cars and more bikes than tourist! I loved it! This image was taken in the market at the end of...


After sleeping through the break of dawn I rushed through the morning excersises of hygene and fasion and wisked out the door, onto my California cruiser in search of the fames 'Belgium Waffle.' I didn't want to see too eager or glutonous and so I perused the cana;s and side streets when i stumbled upon a market with unbounding hunger. A snack. Yes, one cannot pursue a great waffl;e adventure on an empty stomach ( and if frodo can have a few breakfasts on his way to save his people and his land, that I can have a few snacks on this my great waffle adventure!) The market proved a winning journey and I continued my search with a basket full of bounty. Hours later and fading fast and, I hesitate to admit, lost again, I made the call to forgoe the waflle hunt nd return to the hostle for left over dinner and a nap.

Awoken by the sixth snooze I was ready again with my waffle goal set in mind- it was game time! Out I went, undertered by the sunset over the canal and the delicate lace in the windows and even ubut the chololate tool set tied up in silky ribbon. But all I could find was take out, unhospitable spaces and high prices. And so i did waht all great travellers do in these times, I headed off to the grocery store. Here I purchased a jar of non name Nutella (i'm sorry mom) and a package of factory made waffles filled with preservatives and all! BUT WAIT.... there is a fresh backery section where you can buy a waffle for 1euro20 ($1.80) The cashiere did not speak english and my flemish is weak, and so he mimed to me how delicious these waffles really were. I was sold! The next thing I new I was the prowd owner of a belgium waffle and the cashere even warmed it up for me in the staff room! What a lorious cashere! Moments later I was enjoying my treasure in a small square when I discovered that my waffle was filled with apple and spices! and not fake canned apples, but real ones, you could taaste it! A few boys walked by and called out something that I probably didn't want to understand, but it sounded like 'smart girl' to me, Yes I am a smart girl, and I settled in to enjoy the last of my frugal adventure!


At 5:22 PM, Blogger Ilinizas said...

Wow... nice writing TT!!! and perseverance.... my goodness, Im glad it payed off.

What a "glutonous" and hilarious adventure!

Peace and love


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