Wednesday, October 25, 2006

It was nice that among all of the topo models and graphite sketches I found a little piece of Dalhousie at Carleton. If you look closely you will see a lovely grassy wheel; Jenna's grandmother cut it out of the paper to send to her. Over the years, my Carleton friends have asked me about Dalhousie and my Dalhousie friends have asked me about Carleton. In the end, the two schools produce good work. Carleton may speak more poetically and Dalhousie more pragmatically and Carleton offers a plethora of directed studies abroad while Dalhousie supports and integrated co-op program and in each case you find students who can draw very prettily (most likely a natural talent and not a product of the school). And so, I'm not sure how anyone could compare the quality of architectural institutions, it seems a very personal fit with considerations of the city, the professors, the class, the politics, the curriculum and the other all encompassing ideas of the school - 'floor, wall, roof!'


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