Tuesday, October 31, 2006

'shopping' etc.
After many many hours of wandering mindlessly through the maze of sparkles and sequince I've come to my sences. It took one day for me to become 'done' with the glam of the city, mostly due to the fact that I can't afford 95% of the stuff, I don't need 98% and I can't carry 100%!
Day two was a little more productive with 'The Lighthouse - scotlands museum of architecture, design and city!' just the place for me to learn! Then my first real cappuchino (not from tim hortons!) at the Willow Tea room... more wandering... beer... some sketching... and fish and chips with cheese!

Monday, October 30, 2006

No sleeping in Scotland!
I hadn't slept on the plane (watching bad movies instead) and when I arrived I figured to bed was a good plan. But my friend Penny had only Sunday off, and so off to milngavie for us! We got snacks at marks and Spencer (they aren't a clothing store!?) and then hiked the base of the West Highland Trail. I though is was going to be a nice hike with some castle ruins, boy was I wrong! The hike was pretty to begin with and up hill which was good exercise and the old stone walls were lovely and people were all smiles walking with their dogs and their families... and then we met... a crowd of people dresses in period costume acting out black magic scenes!!! Now it would have been normal if there were cameras or clearly a play, but it was neither of these... None of the characters interacted with the 'audience' some onlookers suggested that we could be having a collective hallucination. It was a great way to see a Scottish castle - complete with battles and black magic!

The day was well rounded out with more hiking than I ever thought was possible on no sleep (thanks penny!), some three dollar hamburgers, a deer, a close ups with a highland coo (sp?) oh and some archers dressed up like robin hood (no affiliation with the black magic fighters), some great maps, three beauiful trees, pirates gold (the money here is so heavy!) and some yummy tea and greys anatomy before bed!
I think I'm going to like this traveling thing!

Sunrise over the atlantic!
It became morning so quick flying into the sun, the closer we got to land the bright it became... first some scottish craigs came into view ( at least that's the word I though of to describe them, I not really sure waht a braig is..) and then nine beautiful windmills and then there were hills! green ones and black ones - all bigger than brookvale!!!

Architecture anyone?
I purchased a dwell magazine for the flight ('Can architecture make you happy???' was a feature article) and the movies on the plane we're both about architects, albeit bad movies (the lake house and click) but about architects none the less. So I think I'm filled with good signs!

We got a snack on the plane from Ottawa to Hali! There was more packaging than food! This has become a little bit of a dilemna lately, like the sample ladies at the grocery stores; I'm 'poor' so I want to eat the free sample, but every sample is complete with a very disposable spoon and cup! To eat or not to eat???

Lovely Jenna took me on an adventure Saturday to an old bread factory (enriched bread artist) we had so much fun! Especially in this natural woven hut! I culd have stayed all day! (if it weren't so combustable I would have it made mandatory for all schools to have one as a quite time, reading corner)

Beer with the Carleton class!
Never a dull moment with architecture kids! Over beer and nachos and dirty pouty (yum!) we fixed the problem of safety while I travel by creating none other than 'Doug', my travelling sock puppet! Now some of you might be wondering how Doug will be crossing the border - no worries! He also has a valid passport and is a seasoned traveller; Past destinations include foot locker and banana republic! You guys are great!

out in ottawa.
Blanca and my aunt phyllis and Joyce took me out for Indian (yum!)and the theater. Blanca has declaired herself to be little miss sunshine from now on, no one fell asleep at the theater and though there were alot of obstacles on our way home, Joyce and I managed to make it safely to Orleans! Thanks for the great night ladies!
Katie and I had good intentions of baking cookies, but in the end we talked for hours and then Vince took us out for dinner nahn pizza and cider! Then off to Patty's pub with Ben for local beer and over to Mikes at school for more... beer. Ottawa is such a yummy town!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

It was nice that among all of the topo models and graphite sketches I found a little piece of Dalhousie at Carleton. If you look closely you will see a lovely grassy wheel; Jenna's grandmother cut it out of the paper to send to her. Over the years, my Carleton friends have asked me about Dalhousie and my Dalhousie friends have asked me about Carleton. In the end, the two schools produce good work. Carleton may speak more poetically and Dalhousie more pragmatically and Carleton offers a plethora of directed studies abroad while Dalhousie supports and integrated co-op program and in each case you find students who can draw very prettily (most likely a natural talent and not a product of the school). And so, I'm not sure how anyone could compare the quality of architectural institutions, it seems a very personal fit with considerations of the city, the professors, the class, the politics, the curriculum and the other all encompassing ideas of the school - 'floor, wall, roof!'

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Out in Ottawa!!!
After observing the song birds in the Halifax airport, a quick plane ride, some new friends and a familiar bus ride I arrived at condo Melissa for a delicious Saturday morning buffet! The weekend continued with an unexpected trip to the market, shoping for rain boots and coffee in the snow! Yes that's right ladies and gentlemen SNOW!!! There was a whole hour of fluffy snow fallowed by more rain and then some slushy stuff falling from the sky. I learned some important travel tips today; firstly, day olds from the bakery are a great deal, and secondly, who needs to travel with beauty products when there are tester available at the Body Shop?! The Vanilla Spice Sparkle lotion is very festive!

Halifax exodus.
My time in Hali was a great success. I finished my portfolio and learned to cook stew (please note happy healthy people in the photo enjoying stew made with love!) And as I fled the city in the cold hours before dawn, a man approached me in his car 'hey, you need a ride?' he asked... 'no thank you, I'm good'. Stand tall, walk with confidence, be aware -- here we go!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

yeah portfolio!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Day 1
well here I am in Hali. I said 'later' to my fam, to my beautiful car, to my comfy bed, I did a final drive around charlottetown... and now I'm on my way. Leaving Tan on the sidewalk minutes ago really sent the idea home that... I guess I really am going (destination to be determined...). It seems like such a desperately long time when I think about it, but I'm sure the fun filled, actions packed, and even those lonely times will pass all too quickly... and then I will be back to my beautiful island with it's beautiful people for another summer of sunshine and goodtimes!