Sunday, May 20, 2007

so that's a brief showing of china! I hope everyone is doing well, taking risks and enjoying happyness!!!

yummy endless cups of tea and baba bread with egg and tomato! for breakfast there were only two choice, and even then it was difficult to decide! It was nice though, option a or b... in the owrld today you are faced with to many choices... whitening toothpaste, or whitening with tartar control or sentite teath with whitening... too much time spent making these desicions! Ladies room at a monastary i stayed at... pretty view while you peed! learing kungfoo (i still dont know how to spell that !)
and my kungfoo teacher with his new puppy! He was 8 years old!

drinking some of chinas finnest beers with the pagandas! a nightly event. Lost in Tiger leaping gorge, a greta adventure! Found in tiger leaping Gorge - made it to the top! I realy needed my wonder woman chirt that day! and of course late night BBQ! There are tables and tables of vegetables set out at night and you can pick whatever you want and they grill it up in all these amazing spices! so tasty!

typical china countryside with bycicles and cinderblock houses. Karst formations in yangshuo!!! Met some fun people for lunch and we climbed to the top of moon hill, a climbers dream! My first traditional chinese structure, touristy but beautiful! They still build without nails in the country side!!! and a bike ride with some sweet people through the 'suburbs' of lijiang

christmas day at gatwick airport, arriving in Hong Kong!!! My hostel! So sketchy! some poeple got eaten by bed bugs, I was lucky! and me eating noodle soup to the chagrin of the locals - soup with chopsticks is really hard at the begining!

well, it has been a while, but I am now comfortably living the life of hot showers, regular work, and meeting people on the street that I know! What a life to live! I thought this would be a good oportunity to post some china photos... It's crazy to go through them, I took so many pictures, some of them I haven't even seem yet. But here you are a small photo essay of the china i was witness to...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Incredible that after all the time at museums and cathedrals and streets of many places... it's the people I remember the most. So I supose it really doesn't matter where you are, but who you are with - and that includes being alone with yourself.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

back online! and just in time for home! China was great! the plans to make it to kuala lampur were aborted early in the adventure and new paths were taken. Highlights in brief: children pooping on the street (normal here!) , the chinese spitting! , electric blankets at night! Street food - sweet bread with sweet stuff inside! always a surprise!!! , everything about hiking Tiger Leaping Gorge!!! even the small landslide! Hot water every where for delicious tea! communal eating - sharing everthing! , local fresh vegitales and fruit on every corner! , candle light an night in the monastary!, Chinglish! (my dried sweet potato bag said 'green ecology limitless magnificence!') time alone to think! ... im sure there are more ... today there was snow and i though it was christmas , so I sang some carols and read my book and ate good food! just like at home! home soon... delicious ...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

hong knog is rockin'!!!!! I love it here! went for a hike up a huge big hill and rode the worlds longest escalator ( i think we rode 1200m of escalator yesterday!!!! thats about 15minutes on an escalator!) i'm off to more of shouthern china tomorrow... internet is a little sucky right now. Hope everyone had a great holiday season and that everyone has a magical new years eve!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

My blog is updated, my pictures burned to CD and my pack cleaned out... Im in london for the next couple of days with friends of the family drinking tea and playing with the cats. So nice!!! I'll be spending christmas eve in the airport and then I'm flying to Hong Kong on christmas day - if anyone has any good tips or information about travelling in china and south east asia, i would sppreciate it! Or if you plan on being in the gatwick airport on christmas day i have enough white russian mix for two, so stop by and we'll share some spirits! cant wait to meet more new friends!

Afte many hours of transit from vienna to london and a landing in crazy thick fog, i arrived safely. I wanted to explor ethe national art gallery because I had seen so little of it my previous visit to london, and so aI headed off to explore... only to end up at the british museum!!! The next day i explored the tate modern where an exhibit in slides as installed. So much fun, just a couple of slides - whi needs disney world!!?!?! There were people af all ages and descriptions playing on the slides and having a great time! There is also a big ram p in the hall and kids were sliding down on their jackets and another couple was racing toy cars... incredible what fun everyone had wih so little!!! good times in london!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

salsa dancing with real dancers, earth wind and fire cover band, spanish riding school warm up exercises, many hours of coffee and pastry, eat what you want indian (and pay what you want!!!?), hundertwasser (the austrian gaudi)!, sausages with warm cheese inside on a cold day, christmas market galore!!! I dont think I will ever leave!!!

images: hundertwasser haus and the christmas market. The biggest one I have seen yet, and instead of tiny lights on the trees (because the square is so big) they had these giant christmas lantern things... so pretty!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

hockey in bratislava, Christina Aguilera in Vienna, Vienna boys choir, opera!!! so much goodness! Many stories to be updated shortly... and many photos to accompany!

Nicolle and I were in Bratislava what i mentioned in passing that i had over heard in budapest that christina aguilera was playing in vienna soon... well after a few minutes of google. We decided to catch the first train to vienna the next day, get a hostel first and the get tickets, and then go shoping for the show!!! Ok... so we missed the train even after a lovely slovakian woman helped us butt the line! But that was the only flaw in our plan and we ended up purchasing the very last floor tickets to the concert!!! a few hours latter we were decked out in new clothes and having a wild time - her concert was like a musical with new costumes and singers and dancers ....! Nicolle has all of the pictures but Ill post some soon!

images - nicolle and i with our christina tickets! playing romeo and juliet at th eopera house with a very nice random man! More street food ! Nicolle and Maggie (from kingston) and i had to have one of these sausages infused with cheese!